Von-Lerchenfeld-Schule is a special school for pupils with hearing impairment. We are state-approved and privately funded by Katholisches Bildungszentrum e.V.
As we are the only school in Upper Franconia that offers specialized education for those children with special needs in hearing our pupils (deaf, hard of hearing, auditory processing disorder) come from the whole region. We offer education from kindergarten throughout primary and secondary education.
Today about 150 children are being taught at our school and kindergarten and about 300 hearing impaired students, who are educated inclusively in their local schools, are being supported by our staff on a regular basis.
Our classes are small with a maximum of 15 pupils per class, who are taught by their class teacher in most subjects. Due to the class teacher principle the pupils have a reference person for a period of one or two school years, who knows the pupils well and can therefore offer individual support. All teachers have a degree in special educational needs.
Our classrooms are especially silenced by carpets, curtains and sound absorbing ceilings to reduce sound levels, minimize background low-frequency sound, ensure speech clarity and prevent the build-up of echoes. We also use audio equipment to ensure speaker and listener comfort. Our teaching principles are the use of sign supported speech in all lessons. German Sign language is taught in lessons and used for communication and teaching the deaf pupils to offer pupils barrier-free communication.
We follow the outline of the regular Curriculum for Bavarian Grund- und Mittelschule, modified to suit the needs of a hearing-impaired student body. Our pupils can achieve two different school leaving certificates: the Qualifizierenden Mittelschulabschluss (after 10 years of school) and the Mittleren Schulabschluss (after 11 years of school).
Katholisches Bildungszentrum e.V. also offers a boarding school and a special day care center on the school ground that closely works together with the staff of Von-Lerchenfeld-Schule.